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9 August 2024
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Safe BBQ Disposal

As we continue to enjoy the summer months, it is important to raise awareness of the safe disposal of barbeques.

One of the main hazards of disposable BBQs is the risk of starting a fire if they are not disposed of correctly. BBQs can smoulder unnoticed for hours and set fire to both waste bins and waste collection vehicles.

To help prevent accidents in the home and potential danger to our employees, we kindly ask that you take a few simple precautions to keep everyone safe:

Disposing of an old gas grill or BBQ is
a responsibility that extends beyond mere waste management; it’s an opportunity to contribute positively to environmental conservation.

By following the steps outlined below you can ensure your grill is safely and responsibly disposed of whilst participating in a more significant effort to protect our environment:

By following these simple yet effective #summersafety tips, we can all enjoy a safer, happier summer outdoors. #bnmrecycling #bordnamona