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9 May 2024
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Blind spots are any areas around a vehicle that a driver cannot easily see. Many vehicles have substantial blind spots, not only immediately behind the vehicle, but also alongside and immediately in front of it.
Regardless of whether you’re following the road rules, when it comes to trucks the fact is if you’re in a blind spot they simply cannot see you. Make sure you are familiar with truck blind spots.
It is important to remember that Waste collection Vehicles have a number of blind spots.
Pedestrian Safety around Waste Collection Vehicles;
  • Keep your Distance: Do not approach a moving vehicle and don’t assume the driver can see you, always wait until the driver acknowledges your presence.
  • Be Seen: Never walk behind a reversing vehicle: remember the driver has blind spots.
  • Stay Safe: Keep a safe distance from moving vehicles and don’t stand in the pathway of the vehicle.
  • Maintaining a Safe Distance: Remind your children that they should keep their distance from the waste collection vehicle at all times. This ensures our team has enough space to work and reduces the risk of accidents.
Vehicle Safety around Waste Collection Vehicles;
  • Blind Spot Awareness: Get to know truck blind spots and position your vehicle to be seen. Trucks have blind spots immediately in front, directly behind, beside the driver door and a significant area on the passenger side.
  • Allow Extra Space: Leave a safe gap, trucks need more room to stop.
  • Keep Left: Unless overtaking.
  • Don’t Crowd or Tailgate: Trucks need space and can take up to 40% longer to stop than a car.
     o Leave a safe gap between your vehicle and the truck and provide extra space where possible.
     o If a truck is in your vicinity, avoid driving immediately behind it as you will not be visible to the driver.
     o If you can’t see the truck’s side mirrors when behind it, the truck driver will not see you.
  • Check Your Mirrors: Your mirrors are an extension of your eyes. Keep them clean and properly positioned to give you maximum visibility
  • Be Patient: Don’t try and reverse in front of the vehicle, we won’t delay and will move as soon as it is safe to do so.