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20 June 2024
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At Bord na Móna Recycling we are proud to have partnered with Dublin Front Runners, Ireland’s largest LGBTQ+ sports club for Dublin Pride Run 2024 where we will be providing the waste management at the event. Help us keep The Phoneix Park beautiful by disposing of your waste responsibly and making use of the recycling options available.

This run is a 5K celebration to champion inclusivity, identity, self-expression, and queerness in an open, friendly, safe space, to be yourself and to connect and be with others in the LGBTQ+ community, friends, family and loved ones.

This 5k takes place in the Phoenix Park on Friday, 21st of June, and will raise much-needed funds for LGBTQ+ charities. This year’s chosen charities are Sanctuary Runners, ShoutOut & LGBT Ireland. ShoutOut is a registered charity harnessing education to promote inclusion and equality for the LGBTQ+ community. The LGBT Champions Programme’s vision is for every LGBTQI+ older person to enjoy equality of access and experience to health, care, and support services in Ireland. Sanctuary Runners is a solidarity-through-sport initiative which uses running, jogging, and walking to bring together asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, and all Irish residents. 

Registration has now closed but you can still donate by clicking here and make sure to pop along on the day to support the amazing runners.